Everything’s a bug (or an issue)

What if I were to tell you that I had discovered a way to run software projects that’s efficient, effective, reliable, even pleasant? “Please continue…”, I hope you say. Up front I’ll let you know this isn’t a new discovery. In fact...

Congestion Collapse in Distributed Systems

I noticed this talk by my former colleague (at Netscape and AOL) Jim Roskind, who now works at Amazon.com. He gives a great introduction to the phenomenon of congestion collapse in complex queueing systems. His examples include familiar scenarios such as busy...

IoT Remote Radio Side Channel Attack Published

I noticed some amazing work published earlier this week by researches from EUROCOM, and to be presented at ACM CCS 2018. They were able to recover encryption keys from an IoT type SoC from noise leaked onto the chip’s Bluetooth radio’s RF output. This...